
405 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 4
405 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 4

This campaign is over.

idea phase
starts on:
Feb 04, 2020, 12:30 AM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Mar 05, 2020, 12:25 AM UTC (UTC)
starts on:
Mar 08, 2020, 12:30 PM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Mar 09, 2020, 12:30 PM UTC (UTC)


This 24-hour hackathon aims to provide talented and independent women with the platform and resources to help them grow in their desired field and contribute to society with impactful and beneficial solutions. WomenTechies will be an opportunity for the budding developers to showcase their potential and skills under the mentorship of experts and come up with imperceptible ideas and ground-breaking solutions to problems that could potentially solve the woes of thousands of people.

All you need is a never-give-up attitude and a passion to learn. Anyone with an eagerness to promote women in tech is eligible to participate, provided their team comprises at least 50% female participants.

How To Proceed:

  1. There are two phases in this hack.

In the first phase, everyone needs to submit a synopsis of their idea and how they plan to execute it.

In the second phase, the shortlisted participants need to build a functional prototype of their idea on the day of the hack i.e March 8th & March 9th at VIT, Vellore.

  1. Develop a working prototype from the tracks mentioned below to win cash prizes, goodies, cloud services, web domains and much more.

NOTE: The team must have a minimum of 50% female members.

About Us:

Developer Student Clubs VIT, powered by Google Developers, is a non-profit community that aims to inspire young and intelligent minds in the field of technology and provides a platform to learn, develop and innovate. Students here have worked on real-time projects that have solved industry-related problems. The designers, developers, and managers work together and carry out really effective executions and this collaboration helps them to grow in every aspect of life.

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Miss Robot

The internet is booming with malicious software ranging from viruses, ransomware, and spyware designed to infiltrate and result in excessive damage to computers’ data and software without the user’s knowledge. Malware has penetrated your system. Design a solution to understand, analyze or mitigate the problem.


Technology is shifting towards a non-mundane and a minimal human assistance approach. By reducing human involvement we seek for an error-free, less redundant approach to our problems. Following the same track of thought, create an automation tool which saves developer effort. In simple words; if it takes more than 30 seconds, automate it.

Banking and finance

The world revolves around money, the purpose of life has now become to acquire wealth while you can, and save it for splurging. Matters of wealth transactions give everyone the jitters, so come up with a solution that helps make transactions safe and improves the ease of usage of e-wallet services.

Socio Political affairs

Problems, problems everywhere, not a solution in sight! Pick a problem plaguing the society, could be anything ranging from unemployment to environment conservation , and present a viable solution to it. Empathy, purpose, and impact, together are key in this track.

Open Innovation

The limit is not in the sky, the limit is in the mind. With no restraints on a particular field, this track lets you bring out your creative side and come up with an out of the box application of your own choice which you think can make this world a better place to live.

Prizes INR 59000 in prizes

Main Prizes
INR 30000

The team with the best combination of ideation and execution will be awarded a prize sum of Rs.30,000.

First Runner Up
INR 15000

We at DSC VIT firmly believe that all distinguished well-performing teams deserve our support, the second-best implementation will receive a cash prize of Rs.15,000.

Second Runner Up
INR 8000

The third best team during the hackathon will receive a prize of Rs.8,000.

Special Prizes
Best All Women Team
INR 2000

This WomenTechies, DSC VIT would like to show it’s appreciation and support to the best performing All-Women team with a special prize of Rs. 2,000.

Best Pitch
INR 2000

Pitching one’s product to the consumer in an eye-catching manner is no easy task, and we know it. To commend the best pitch during the hackathon, DSC VIT will provide the team with the best pitch, a special prize of Rs.2,000

Best Design
INR 2000

We at DSC VIT believe that the design of a product can make or break it’s success in the modern world, and so, to congratulate the best design put forward by a team, we have a special prize of Rs.2,000.

Help & Support

Please contact event admin
Meherdeep Thakur at chanakyavkapoor@gmail.com
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